The FIRE ANT®  Engine Overheat Warning System can be fitted to almost any vehicle.

The device triggers when the engine temperature overheats, the built-in alarm will sound through the stereo (it plays a message in plain english telling the driver the vehicle is overheating and to switch the ignition off immediately)  and a flashing light will turn on.

When activated a text message goes to the employer/owner and another text message is sent when the vehicle is turned off.

The alarm and flashing light are virtually impossible to ignore, saving thousands of dollars in potential damage or new vehicle.

With the text alert function you have a log of when the vehicle overheated and how long it was running for.

NOTE: The system works in the absence of coolant, so regardless of how much coolant is in the engine the device will trigger when the ENGINE temperature starts to overheat (around 110°C) . The FIRE ANT® uses the stereo speakers to audibly play a message telling the driver to pull over and switch the ignition off during an overheat event. The stereo is wired up through the FIRE ANT® in order to make this happen, it is impossible for the driver to turn down the volume of the message being played as this is set by the unit.